
Lanapsoft BotDetect ASP.NET (Website Edition)

Lanapsoft BotDetect ASP.NET (Website Edition) Author

Lanapsoft Inc.

Lanapsoft BotDetect ASP.NET (Website Edition) Features

Lanap BotDetect For ASP.NET is Security Solution specially designed For use in ASP.NET web applications. Its purpose is to prevent automated registrations (spambot) on Website with CAPTCHA Image. While the code cannot be read by machine (Computer Program), it is easily read by a human.

Key Features: generates CAPTCHA Image with textual code rendered in it, full Server side component, not dependent on other Software,includes high-quality samples, Free 24x7 Support.

(CAPTCHA is an acronym For Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. As the name suggests, it's a Test to distinguish the degree of being human. As defined on the CAPTCHA Home Page at the Carnegie Melon University School of Computer Science's Web site:

CAPTCHA is a Program that can generate and grade tests that: Most humans can pass. Current Computer Programs can't pass.)

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Lanapsoft BotDetect ASP.NET (Website Edition) Operating Systems

Windows NT/2000,Windows XP,Windows Vista

