
Aluminium Menu

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Aluminium Menu Features

Flash menu For Dreamweaver MX 2004 (or 8). Integrate Power of Dreamweaver and beauty of Flash. If you want Easy and fast Build navigation on your Site we suggest to try this Flash menu extensions. The Flash menu is Dreamweaver version. You can Download Flash or Standalone(Xml) version of the menu from softery.com. Menu Design is created by professional Designers. The menu is dynamically generated by Flash Action Script For more versatility and fast loading. To realize vivid colors, realistic halftoned images and smooth gradients in the Flash menu, we are evolved Special RGB-to-HSL Conversion functions. Each Flash menu on softery.com is tested and approved by Macromedia (Adobe).
Make your Site navigation in minutes. Change default parameters of the menu and publish. No Programming Skills required. Designate your colors, names, links. Our Flash menu extensions are ready to use. This menu extension adds to Insertbar of Dreamweaver MX 2004 (or 8) new component, which will create Flash menu on your Site by 1 click.

To install Aluminium Flash Menu: If you have Macromedia Extension Manager installed, just double click on MXP File to start installation Process.

To configure Aluminium Flash Menu: We recomend to use our Softery Menu Setup. You can call it by right click on the Flash object in Design view. If you do not install Softery Menus UI extension before, please install it. See Live demo here http://softery.com Or use Tag innspector(F9 to Open). To configure navigation tree Press on right input field. At the right side appears Edit Array Values button. Open Edit navigation tree window by pressing this button.

- Color of the main and sub buttons
- Color of text
- Html tags For text(bold,italic,underlined,br)
- Height of main and sub buttons
- Multiline text in buttons
- Ability to use Html in button text(tags:br,b,i,u)
- Possibility to place a picture under menu
- Search field.

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Aluminium Menu Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Mac,Windows XP,OS X - Macintosh

