
SiteScan XP - Web Spider & Link Checker

SiteScan XP - Web Spider & Link Checker Author


SiteScan XP - Web Spider & Link Checker Features

Use SiteScan to spider entire Websites, Find broken links, report Server errors and analyze Page response times. SiteScan will Test every Page on your website, List the results and highlight troublesome pages. Preview pages using the built-in Browser, quickly highlight links (or images) on any Page or within the Source code; modify and resave pages ready For upload to your Web Server.

Results are displayed in real-time as each link is processed. Make corrections while the scan continues to run. Source Page, target Page, response time, HTTP response code & Server messages are all reported. Results can be sorted and saved For later review.

Use the built-in Browser to preview any Page from the scan results; highlight broken links (or images) on the Page using customizable colours.

Toggle pages between Browser view and Source-code view. Highlight any link in the Source code, Make changes and save the amended File Back to Disk ready For upload.

Control the Level of Automation by telling SiteScan How to react to events such as losing your Internet connection: Stop & Prompt?, Pause & Retry?, Carry on Regardless?

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SiteScan XP - Web Spider & Link Checker Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Windows XP

